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This endpoint is for updating the details of a specific project using the project ID.

Header Parameters
apiToken string REQUIRED

Secret key for the project

Request Body REQUIRED
address object
street string

Street of the project address

city string

City of the project address

country string

Country of the project address

province string

Province of the project address

postalCode string

Postal code of the project address

addressLine1 string

Address line 1 of the project address

addressLine2 string

Address line 2 of the project address

colors object
primary string

Primary color for the project branding

secondary string

Secondary color for the project branding

bankDetails object
accountName string

Name of the bank account

accountNumber string

Number of the bank account

accountType string

Type of bank account

provider string

Provider of the banking service

category string

Category of the bank account, e.g., Mobile Money

is_registed boolean

Flag indicating if the project is registered

services string[]

List of services the project offers

documents string[]

List of document paths or URLs

name string REQUIRED

Name of the project

type string REQUIRED

Type of project

business_name string REQUIRED

Registered business name of the project

currency string

The currency in which the project operates

description string

Description of the project

email email

Contact email of the project

logo_url uri

URL of the project's logo

organizationalType string

Type of organization, e.g., Partnership

phone_number string

Contact phone number of the project

subtype string

Subtype of the financial services provided

webhooks object[]
name string REQUIRED

Name of the webhook.

service string REQUIRED

Service associated with the webhook.

event string REQUIRED

Event type that triggers the webhook.

url uri REQUIRED

URL where the webhook payload will be sent.

active boolean REQUIRED

Whether the webhook is active.

_id string

Unique identifier for the webhook.

secret string

Secret for the webhook.


Project updated successfully

success boolean

Indicates if the request was successful.

data object
token object OPTIONAL
project string OPTIONAL

Project identifier associated with the token.

name string OPTIONAL

Name associated with the token.

secretKey string OPTIONAL

Secret key for the project's token.

publicKey string OPTIONAL

Public key for the project's token.

project object OPTIONAL
owner string OPTIONAL

Identifier for the owner of the project.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the project.

business_name string OPTIONAL

Registered business name of the project.

is_registed boolean OPTIONAL

Indicates if the project is officially registered.

logo_url uri OPTIONAL

URL to the logo of the project.

services string[] OPTIONAL

List of services offered by the project.

currency string OPTIONAL

The currency that the project operates in.

email email OPTIONAL

Contact email address for the project.

phone_number string OPTIONAL

Contact phone number for the project.

webhooks object[] OPTIONAL
name string

Name of the webhook.

service string

Service associated with the webhook.

event string

Event type that triggers the webhook.

url uri

URL where the webhook payload will be sent.

active boolean

Whether the webhook is active.

_id string OPTIONAL

Unique identifier for the webhook.

secret string OPTIONAL

Secret for the webhook.

status string OPTIONAL

The current status of the project.

deleted boolean OPTIONAL

Indicates if the project has been deleted.

description string OPTIONAL

A brief description of the project.

identifier string OPTIONAL

Unique identifier for the project.

permissions string[] OPTIONAL

List of permissions assigned to the project.

createdAt date-time OPTIONAL

The date and time when the project was created.

updatedAt date-time OPTIONAL

The date and time when the project was last updated.

__v integer OPTIONAL

Version number of the project.

id string OPTIONAL

Unique identifier for the project.

message string

A message accompanying the response.


Bad request, such as invalid input

code int32

Error code representing the type of error.

message string

Error message detailing what went wrong.


Unauthorized access

code int32

Error code representing the type of error.

message string

Error message detailing what went wrong.


Project not found

code int32

Error code representing the type of error.

message string

Error message detailing what went wrong.


Internal Server Error

code int32

Error code representing the type of error.

message string

Error message detailing what went wrong.